Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's a fish! It's a boat! No's a deer! Break into programming!

So a few weeks ago there was a deer found to be swimming in a local reservoir. Apparently some people frightened it and it jumped over the fence and into the reservoir, where it was unable to escape as the reservoir is surrounded by sloped walls. Concerned witnesses called animal control, and ultimately a nearby crew with a small boat was able to lead the deer out of the water.
This was a nice, cute story with a happy ending. Something you might expect to see as a short story...or even as a newscast "kicker"...right? WRONG. This was big time breaking news! All of the local stations cut into local programming to alert everyone to the deer's predicament. Then they led the evening newscasts with the story of the deer. (It must have been a VERY slow news day!). Local tv critics had a field day commenting on the placement of the story:
So what do you think? Was this really a story worthy of leading a newscast? Or are we really that dumbed down as an audience that we will take interesting video over a good story anyday? I really hope that isn't the case...but with reality programs being as popular as they are.....


  1. Local News is all about ratings now... The mush headed American public sits woefully with its collective head in the sand, or in another anatomically incorrect place. News no longer informs and invokes a thought process, it takes up time and entertains...


  2. I wish there had been some crude oil from the Gulf of Mexico also in the reservoir -- now that would have made the story complete.

    Jim Furrer

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
